Yeastrol-Yeast Infection Relief



All Natural Yeast Infection Relief
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Safe and Effective Medicine
No Prescription Required

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Product Description

Yeast Infection Relief – Guaranteed!

When a Yeast Infection strikes, all you can think about is getting it to stop! The itching alone can drive you crazy–and nothing seems worse than having an infection sneak up on you when you can’t get to the doctor for a prescription.

Yeastrol is a homeopathic product that works like nothing else on the market today for both Male and Female Yeast Infections. Our experts in homeopathic treatments have combined 12 ingredients to fight not just the itching but multiple symptoms of yeast infections from the inside out! Yeastrol gets into your system quickly, with just two simple sprays under the tongue, three times a day.

No pills or messy creams: just a quick spray of Yeastrol gets safe, effective ingredients into your bloodstream almost instantly and helps fight several symptoms of Yeast Infections.

Homeopathic Yeastrol Ingredients

Yeastrol Bottles Each ingredient in Yeastrol was picked by expert formulators in the field of homeopathy. The science of homeopathy (over 200 years old), is based on the premise that certain natural substances can stimulate the body’s own healing systems – allowing the body to heal itself. Homeopathy is a very unique system of medicine because the ingredients are used at levels that are generally understood to be non-toxic, with no negative side effects.

Yeastrol is 100% natural, safe, and has no known drug interactions. Every ingredient was chosen for this unique formula to both alleviate discomfort and help relieve multiple symptoms associated with yeast (candida) infections. Our sublingual delivery system is the preferred method of delivering homeopathic medicines.

The use of homeopathic ingredients for particular conditions is based on “homeopathic provings” that are recorded in the Homeopathic Materia Medica. A discussion of the homeopathic conditions of use for the ingredients found in Yeastrol™ is found below.

Other reasons to use Yeastrol:

  • No Animal Testing
  • Money Back Guarantee!
  • Non-Drowsy, with No Drug Interactions.
  • Safe for the elderly and high risk patients.
  • Safe for use with prescription medication, dietary supplements and herbs.
  • 100% Natural – no artificial additives or preservatives

Suggested Use: Adults and children over 12: Spray twice under tongue up to three times a day. Children under 12: consult a doctor before use.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant or breast feeding, ask a doctor before use. Do not use if TAMPER EVIDENT seal around the entire bottle is missing or broken.

Yeastrol Bottle Label

Homeopathic Active Ingredients:

Baptista Tinctoria 3X (Wild Indigo)
For a burning feeling when urinating; treats abdominal fullness and distention, as well as aching head, sore throat, pains and soreness all over the body-especially aching in neck and lower back; lessens a feeling of weakness.

Borax 30C
Helps with diarrhea, gas, and ulcers on mucosal surfaces. For Women: Lessens excessive pain during menstruation; treats whitish vaginal discharge. For Men: Lessens itching, contraction, and shooting pains in anus and rectum.

Candida Albicans 12X
A nosode (homeopathic remedy prepared from a pathological specimen, such as Polio) for fungal infections caused by C.albicans; eases vaginal discomfort, itching and discharge in women.

Candida parapsilosis 12X
A nosode (homeopathic remedy prepared from a pathological specimen, such as Polio) for fungal infections and symptoms of candidiasis; treats vaginal and vulval itching and discharge in women.

Echinacea Augustifolia 3X (Purple Coneflower)
Used in earliest homeopathy to treat various fevers, including typhoid and dysentery. Useful for persistent infections; eases symptoms of thrush (whitish coat of tongue) and accumulation of mucus in throat; helps abdominal pain and gas; frequent urination with burning sensation; feeling of low energy.

Kreosotum 30C
For amenorrhea in women, and irritation of prostate in men; treats burning pain at epigastria; calms “hot” urination; eases itching and burning in eyes, ears and soles of feet.

Mercurius Cyanatis 30C
Once used as a treatment for diphtheria, especially chronic sore throat; treats grayish white ulcerations on tongue and inside cheeks; improves feeling of severe weakness.

Mercurius sulphuratus ruber 30C (Cinnibar)
Eases heat, redness, and swelling of face, especially about eyes; helps heal ulcers in the throat or mouth; helpful against violent itching and pricking, especially about joints. *For Women: Treats whitish discharge and feeling of pressure in the vagina-also eases general nervous anxiety. *For Men: Eases swelling of the penis and itching of corona glandis, especially when secretion of pus is present.

Nitricum acidum 30C
Eases itchy skin rashes; helps heal ulcers and cracking on mucosal membranes of mouth, throat, vagina and anus; also helps with painful emission of urine and difficult/irregular evacuations; treats hoarseness and cough, shortness of breath and heart palpitations; calms nervous excitability, night sweats and insomnia.

Pyrogenium 200C
Helps restore intestinal flora and assists digestion; treats infection with fever and other septic conditions; also helps with skin rashes and eczema.

Sulphuricum acidum 30C
For Women: Treats vaginal discharges, hot flushes, and a feeling of tremor all over body. For Men: Eases itching of glans.

Thuja occidentalis 30C (Arbor Vit)
Eases burning sensation in anus, swollen hemorrhoids and itching in urethra; also treats persistent cough with mucous, and cough brought on by tickling in the throat. For Men: eases itching of moist, oozing rash on genital organs. For Women: calms itching and burning, biting pains in vagina.

Topic: yeast infection, yeastrol, yeast infection causes, yeast infection in men, yeast infection symptoms in women


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